Konrad Adenauer, Charles De Gaulle, M. Christian Fouchet


German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, left, hugs France President Charles de Gaulle, right, after signing the Elysee friendship treaty in the Elysee palace in Paris, France on Jan. 22, 1963. France and Germany kicked off celebrations Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2003 to mark the 40th anniversary of the treaty with a raft of events intended to inject new vitality into their relationship, which is pivotal in efforts to expand and integrate the European Union. (ddp images/AP Photo) — Bundeskanzler Konrad Adenauer (li) und Staatspraesident Charles de Gaulle umarmen sich nach der Unterzeichnung des Deutsch-Franzoesischen Vertrages am 22. Januar 1963 im Salon Murat im Pariser Elysee-Palast. Rechts neben de Gaulle steht M. Christian Fouchet. (ddp images/AP Photo)

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