Organizers: German Historical Institute, Paris; University of Konstanz; in cooperation with the University of Rouen

Lieu: Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris / Institut historique allemand,
8 rue du Parc-Royal, 75003 Paris,

In the wake of the 1968 movement, many people tested alternative models of habitation, labour and living. In self-descriptions and research, these models have been characterised as movements away from the ‘coldness’ of capitalism towards the intimacy of a self-established and self-governed social collective (Reichardt, 2014). Regardless of clear differences in self-conception and historical contextualisation, similar views are also relevant for the early socialist production cooperatives and

settlement projects that were realised after 1820 by the supporters of and dissenters from Robert Owen and Charles Fourier. (Kwaschik, 2017) These movements however created new spaces that not merely sought to isolate themselves from the external world, but also developed methods and techniques for creating patterns of self-modelling and self-management (Boltanski/Chiapello, 1999).
The summer school interrogates ‘the real of utopia’ and explores as closely as possible the various modalities of this ‘life changing’ (Bantigny, 2018; Riot-Sarcey, 1999). The goal is to discuss the connections between diagnoses of the present, social experiments and social sciences in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, taking the 1968 movement as a starting point.

Voir le programme détaillé  (avec le plan d’accès)

Robert Kramm – Mobility and the Body in Early Twentieth Century Radical Utopian Communities
Anne-Sophie Reichert – Leben im Versuch: Experimental Culture in Germany’s First Garden City Hellerau (1910–1914)
Franz Fillafer – Global Villages: Communes as Nodes of Inter-Imperial Social Reform in the Nineteenth Century
Katharina Morawietz – Longo maï: Une expérience collective, autogérée, transnationale (créée dans les années après ’68)
Hugo Patinaux – Pensées et pratiques alternatives dans l’autonomie politique
Onur Erdur – The Bio-Logic of Utopia: The Sociologist Edgar Morin and the Californian Experience
Tobias Bernet – Neoliberal Subjects or Post-Capitalist Collectives? Cooperative Housing and the Legacy of New Social Movements in Germany
Jake Smith – Strangers in a Dead Land: Redemption and Renewal in the European Counterculture, 1949–2001
Jens Beckmann – Self-Management and External Expertise: The Case of LIP in Besançon, 1973–1987
Jasper Klomp – “Producers’ Democracy”? The Implementation of Workers’ Self-Management in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Nathan Crompton – Feminist Autogestion in France: Gender and Self-Management, 1971–1979
Emeline Fourment – Making Violence against Women Political: The Feminist Alternative Justice’s Debates within the Autonomen Movement
Ingrid Gilcher-Holtey – Critique de l’autorité: les mouvements de 68 en France et en Allemagne
Martin Herrnstadt – Deviant Knowledge and the Struggle for Selfdescription: Socio-Political Laboratories in France 1830–1848
Silja Behre – The Anti-Scientific Science: The Emergence of Oral History as a Strategy within the Academic Field after 1968

Commentaries: Ludivine Bantigny, Anne Kwaschik, Sven Reichardt, Detlef Siegfried, Damir Skenderovic

Ludivine BANTIGNY (université de Rouen Normandie)
Zoé KERGOMARD (Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris)
Anne KWASCHIK (Universität Konstanz)
Sven REICHARDT (Universität Konstanz)

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